
So when it comes to your body I am referring to any help you may need with getting to a healthy weight, getting more energy, increasing plant based foods, healthy snacks, or adopting a new exercise program, or getting a road map how to navigate a new diagnosis (i.e. diabetes or SIBO or another chronic condition). What exactly do I mean by road map? So let’s say your doctor or health practitioner gave you a result, that you have a certain condition, and need to adjust your diet, your food and maybe your sleep. I think life is overwhelming as it is, and the amount of will power and knowledge to implement those kinds of changes, is astronomical, if you are to make lasting changes.

That is where I come in- I help you with working the plan into your life, a step at a time, with support and tools like an understanding of what in your diet you can transform, options for exercise that would work with you- all in a supportive and manageable way. Lifestyle management- there it is. It is what most functional doctors advocate. We can easily become overwhelmed, scared and stopped to a halt with certain diagnosis. Doctors don’t have the time or space to sit with you for 20 minutes, much less an hour to go over your health plan. But with coaching, we can get to it one small step at a time, with ample amounts of time, where you feel supported, nurtured and well on your way to make the changes your body requires. For women- this can mean getting a grip on things you have been struggling for, for years- hormonal imbalance, sleeplessness, weight gain you don’t understand even though you work out, or entering menopause and just being told “ oh deal with it, get used to all the symptoms and push through”. That is not the answer, there is a more supportive and educated way to get through it.


How are your stress levels? We can work on helping you start your own mindfulness or meditation practice. It can be a game changer, and is a game changer. Most people know they need to do it, or they want to do it, or try it here and there. How would you like this to be part of your daily routine like brushing teeth? Our brain, and how we process stress and the day’s events and EMOTIONS is a cornerstone of our well being, and how we respond to life and stress. Mental hygiene, mental health- one cannot say enough about its’ importance.

Also what about your purpose, your job, or dharma or role in life? Are you working somewhere you despise, or wonder how can I get myself out of here? Maybe you have been wanting to write a book, or start a project, or wake up your creative desires. That is part of being healthy- since you spend on average 40 hours earning a living, and if your energy is fighting it, your mind is just trying to justify the paycheck- how can we look at options to bring you some peace?


Ah soul wisdom. This is my favorite area. This is where the magic happens. These are the AHA moments. This is your deeper truth, your deeper knowing, your MOJO, your deepest desires, those feelings that you can’t explain but that are so pure and so clear…or maybe sometimes even haunting, like a love for a certain geographic location, or a certain time period in history. What draws you in?

It is an abstract landscape, and can come through in dreams, hunches, or just “inner knowing”. This is intuition and beyond. So working with soul can be like a salve, or nectar to their soul literally. It will be like a long drink of water.

What is the language of the soul? There are those of us who want to understand it, and we want to hear it! We want to get beyond the 3D world we live in. This work is not for everyone, but when you know, you know. It’s a signal inside you that will activate, like a beacon.

For women it is so important- it is where you enter your own zone of genius and growth, and leave those to-do lists.

I work with Divine Feminine energy as well as the work of Denise Lynn, and Dr. Pinkola Estes.

We begin to uncover deeper truths within you, spirit connection, connection to your best self. It truly is that medicine that some of us have been craving, but mistakenly looking for it through food, addictions, unfulfilling jobs and relationships. We are not taught this in school.