This 9 month program is for those who want a shift in an area that has been burdening or haunting them for years. This is for those souls that feel they have a deeper mission here, and they need someone who is not just a regular life coach to assist them in this excavation. It could be a place of stuckness, a place of wanting deeper freedom, and knowing you have the potentials and resources, yet you can’t get yourself and your new life off the ground.

This program is a deeper dive into your soul’s yearnings and your purpose here.

It is the journey of UNconditioning, UNdoing, REmoving all those outdated programs and narratives that have been running your life, to then install the NEW programs.

The first part of the journey involves an exploration into YOUR STORY. It is very important to hear your story, to tell your story and to feel your story.

We then begin to deconstruct parts of it that need upleveling and implementing aspects of evidence positive psychology, added to deeper wisdom teachings to help you craft your new life, from your OWN BLUEPRINT.

This is the program I wish I had when I was in my most confused, stuck moments, working at a job that depleted me, living outside of my body and life, and wondering what my soul mission is, and why can’t I live a more sustainble, inspired and nourishing life, according to my own rules and deeper knowledge.

This is a 1:1 coaching program, with a fixed number of spots.

Please join the waitlist or to receive more information on the start date.